Titan of the Month June 2023 – Tish Mossman

Tish Mossman, Titan of The Month

My family moved to Timonium when I was 10 years old and have been in Baltimore since then.  Although I have spent most of my life in Maryland, I call Michigan my home.  My wife and I have been together for 32 years and have two adult children.  Participating in sports has always been part of my life – from playing softball, basketball, tennis, golf, running – I will try most anything – except if it involves height.  If I am on vacation, I am most likely at a beach.

What led you to try CrossFit?

It was in 2016 I was looking for a change – I was bored with running and wanted something different. Through the internet I found a beginners CrossFit program that was an 8- week intro with a nutritional plan. I joined and was hooked. I continued at the CrossFit gym for 18 months and due to job constraints needed to step aside.

Why do you continue to CrossFit?

I came back to CrossFit in the fall of 2021 after not feeling as healthy and as strong as I wanted to be. For me doing CrossFit allows me to physically and mentally feel healthy.

Describe how your attitude towards health and fitness has evolved since you began your journey

I have always had a need to exercise and feel healthy. CrossFit has provided me a new dimension to my life where strength, endurance and mind are part of every workout. For me, after the first year at Titan I found that I wanted to begin to move out of my comfort zone and start to push myself more during workouts whether it was adding 5lbs more or instead of doing knee pushups incorporating release pushups. It is truly a journey and I am in control of that journey.

Share a memorable CrossFit moment that makes you laugh or puts a smile on your face

Each time I come to the gym (box) the PEOPLE put a smile on my face. I love how we care for one another and encourage each other to finish a WOD or reach a PR.

What are you proud of and why?

The moment I did a wall walk. I knew at that point that the work I had been putting in was paying off.

What’s your advice for other CrossFitters or people looking to start?

For people who are looking to start CrossFit – just try it – commit to 3 months. It will not be comfortable at first – you will be sore – at the end you will feel healthier both physically and mentally.

Why the coaches chose Tish as Titan of the month

Tish is kind, welcoming, humble, helpful, appreciative and hardworking. Every coach she has recognizes she takes their cues and applies them. If she isn’t sure about something, she will always ask. She’s here to move consistently and better than the day before. Tish works on accessories before or after class to make her weaknesses better. As soon as a member or coach makes eye contact with Tish, she sends them back a smile that is so big the receiver of that smile feels special. June 2023 is your month, Tish. We hope this honor makes YOU feel special.