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Katie Gerchalk


January 7, 2025

Defining Your Competitive Advantage

Normally kicking off the new year would prompt me to write something about goal setting, but at this point I feel like that’s a given. It’s a new year, we’re all filled with hope and excitement about what this year could bring, so you jot down a few things you want to accomplish. Drink more water, read more books, workout consistently, be a better spouse/friend/parent – all of which are AMAZING goals (remember to create an action plan to achieve them!! …. Couldn’t help myself). But what I’ve been thinking about lately is defining what sets you apart. What makes you feel fiercer, grittier, better, stronger?

My competitive advantage is that I like doing things that most people don’t – specifically in the gym. I like when the workout is longer, when the weights are heavier, when the reps border on crazy – and not because I think I’m the most talented athlete, but because I know those kinds of workouts will test me and teach me something about myself. I crave those lessons, thrive on them. I once lunged the length of a football field with 105# on my back, for no other reason than the thought popped into my head and I wondered if I COULD. I was also fairly certain that most people wouldn’t want to do that, but who knows, maybe you’re reading this thinking ‘wow that sounds like fun!’…

With each rep I build resiliency, belief in myself, and I gain the knowledge of knowing that I can muster up the grit to do challenging things, which translates to life outside of the gym as well.

So, what’s your competitive advantage? Let me tell you a short story to help you find out 🡪

In 2018, I was coaching the 530am class and at the time I loved listening to Ben Bergeron’s podcast - the Chasing Excellence Podcast. One episode was called W.H.O.O.P.I.E. , which centered around a higher way of thinking about goal setting.

W - Wishing

H - Hoping

O - Outcome

O - Obstacles

P - Plan

I - Identity

E - Execute

Essentially, it went further than just dreaming about something happening – it asked you to take actionable steps to turn your dreams into reality. The one that really stuck with me though, was the “I”. Within Identity, Bergeron centered around the emotional connection you attach to your goals – essentially, the competitive advantage you can create to increase the likelihood of achieving them by assigning your identity to them.

Ex. “I’m the type of person THAT --------- gets up to go running, even when it’s raining outside.”

It sounds simple and silly, but if you speak those words and write them down, the next time you get up to go running and it’s raining outside, you’ll remember that you’re the type of person who goes running ANYWAY. It’s a powerful tool.

Ex. “I’m the type of person THAT --------- does not give up when the workout gets hard, I keep going.”

When the reps start to catch up and the weight feels overwhelming, you remember that you’re the type of person that doesn’t quit – and you’ll be surprised, because you WON’T. If you can assign an emotional connection to your goals, you can manifest yourself into acting towards them.

So, to find your competitive advantage, start by writing 1-3 “I’m the type of person THAT-----” statements. Print them out, stick them in your wallet – or use your notes app #technologyupgrade. Be as specific as possible.

Crush this year by defining your strengths and what type of person you want to be. Defeat doubt by using statements that will empower you to act in the direction of your goals. As Jocko Willink would say, GET AFTER IT.

Pictures from 530am in 2018 when we did this exercise! Shout out to any roosters who remember this!

Resource Link: Chasing Excellence - W.H.O.O.P.I.E. Podcast


Katie Gerchalk

Crossfit L2


Pregnancy & Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist

Certified Pre & Postnatal Coach

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