Hello, I am Kyle! I am a Web Developer/Artist for a small game studio in Hunt Valley. We are in the "serious gaming" business, basically creating training games for various industries such as government/military and healthcare. I grew up around Newark, Delaware and moved here to go to Towson University. I was always active when I was younger playing different sports, but mainly focused on swimming. I swam year-round competitively for close to 18 years. In addition to Crossfit, I do Muay Thai and have recently started rock climbing. When not working or at the gym, I enjoy being outdoors either hunting, fishing, hiking/backpacking, snowboarding, going to the beach, boating, or traveling. I am always trying new things and in the near future I plan to learn to sail and start towards my private pilot's license.
What led you to try CrossFit?
During college I did a little bit of weight training, but after I graduated I found myself focused on other aspects of my life and neglecting my health. After some time, I noticed the sedentary lifestyle was catching up to me and needed to change. Physical activity that once came easy was no longer so easy. I was a member of Titan for a couple of months at the old location and decided I needed to come back. I like what CrossFit has to offer including heavy lifting, cardio, and a great community.
Why do you continue to CrossFit?
All I have to do is show up and do the work. All the programming is done for me. I noticed pretty significant changes in my overall health. I am stronger than I have ever been and am still improving everyday. I have experienced a lot of "firsts" at Titan such as pull ups, rope climbs, handstand pushups, double unders, etc. and it keeps me hooked. These accomplishments would not have been possible without the amazing coaching staff and advice from other experienced members. Since I work from home, coming to the gym and having some real-life social interaction during the day is nice too. CrossFit has helped me, and continues to help me, both physically and mentally.
Describe how your attitude towards health and fitness has evolved since you began your journey.
I've always had a pretty positive mindset towards health and fitness, however post-college I temporarily lost the importance of this. I gained weight and developed unhealthy habits during this time. Since coming back to Crossfit, I've learned the importance of keeping health as my number one priority. I did not understand the negative toll that an unhealthy, sedentary lifestyle takes on your health and mind until I changed my lifestyle and could experience the change myself.
Share a memorable CrossFit moment that makes you laugh or puts a smile on your face.
We had a WOD in which part of it was using an Echo Bike. I warmed up on a random bike and in-between the class warmup and the workout, I went to fill up my water bottle. As I was finishing up, the class was getting ready to start and when I came back, I wasn't sure which bike I used during the warm up and they were all taken. Someone else in the class said that Shannon "stole" my bike and Coach Dave started giving her some playful grief about it. So for the past few WODs that have included the Echo Bike, Shannon informs the whole class not to "steal" Kyle's bike!
What are you proud of and why?
I am still early in my Crossfit journey, but I am proud of what I have achieved so far this past year and a half. I have lost a bit of weight, am stronger than I have ever been and my cardiovascular health has improved. I came in barely snatching 95# to now being able to snatch 175# and I am still seeing pretty big improvements in all my lifts.
What's your advice for other CrossFitters or people looking to start?
Take it slow and scale when needed. Improvement will come soon enough, but it is important to build a foundation around the movements and get comfortable with them before progressing past your personal capabilities. Allow the coaches to give you advice and listen to them!
Why the coaches chose Kyle as Titan of the month:
Kyle is one of those athletes that observes everything. He makes his best attempt to apply what he sees. When he struggles he has no problem asking for more clarification. He is respectful of both the knowledge of the coach and that of other members. He never makes excuses and puts forth the best effort he can for the day. His practice, extra time and effort during our most recent barbell class showed with numerous personal records and significant form improvement.
Kyle is a person of few words in a class setting. He speaks with intent. After class he will stay and socialize and help build community. He participates in every social and athletic event Titan holds that he is able. Kyle leans on Titan for community and Titan leans on him! Congrats Kyle, We love having you here. Best of luck to all current and future goals. You deserve it.